11. BIO.NRW Business Angel Congress

  • 8. März 2022
    13:00 - 17:00

11 BIONRW Business Angel CongressUnder the title “Places to be – and where to go looking for (an) investment” BIO.NRW invites you to the 11th Business Angel Congress (BAC). The congress pursues new approaches to providing creative funding for the biotech and life sciences scene. This year, the focus will be on the chances opened up in special places to be or to go, such as accelerators. New developments such as SPAC as well as established tools will be presented and discussed by founders, SMEs, business angels, venture capitalists, institutional investors, representatives of EIT Health, and policy makers.

Founders, CEOs, business angels, Super Angels, and institutional investors are invited to come and witness new international developments first hand.


13:00          Welcome and Introduction
13:15          Session 1: New Instruments, new Partners, more Hope

14:15          Session 2: Way forward by augmented funds

  • place to be – Europe plus: The EU and Member States financial institutions: chances for investment
    Dr. Kurt Höller (EIT Health e.V.)
  • place to be – North Rhine-Westphalia and its development bank
    Dr. Aristotelis Nastos (NRW.Bank)
  • place to be – Venture Capital spotlight on NRW
    Kay Balster (High-Tech Gründerfonds Management)

15:15          Plenary Discussion 1 – “New tools, same old fun?”
15:45          Session 3: All new – Other places to be

16:45          Plenary Discussion 2 – Is there any advantage of going places?


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