RWTH Innovation Expert Hubs: Life Science founders & their incubator

  • 14. September 2023
    17:00 - 19:30

Banner saying: Meet successful Life Science founders & their incubator

You are interested in founding a lifescience or medtech start-up? You are curious to see the facilities of a successful start-up in Aachen? Or you just want to talk to a successful life science founder?



Join us in visiting  Medical MagnesiumMeotec GmbH, Fibrothelium and  theirs founders. You will meet them at the facilities on Philipsstraße and can expect the following highlights:

05:00 PM: Welcome

05:15 PM: The story of Medical Magnesium, Meotec & Fibrothelium

06:00 PM: Get to know the facilities

06:30 PM: Get to know the incubator

07:00 PM: Pizza & mingle

You can find the registration form and further details here.



Philipsstr. 8, 52068 Aachen