3D Medical Conference

  • 28. November 2023
    8:00 - 18:00

Logo for the 3D Medical ConferenceThe International 3D Medical Conference returns on 28 November. Since 2014, this conference has given you the opportunity to learn, meet your peers, exchange ideas, gain knowledge, create new business opportunities and most importantly, create a better future for patients. The audience, a mix of academics, medical professionals, business and technology experts, regulators and creatives, will get an excellent overview and insight into medical developments from a clinical, technical and academic perspective.

In one day, the following 3D healthcare topics will be covered in several parallel sessions:

  • 3D Bioprinting, the future of newly built organs
  • 3D Dental Printing, disrupting the traditional workflow
  • 3D Medtech Printing, from medical implants to medical devices
  • 3D Pharma Printing, the roadmap for 3D Pharma Printing towards clinical applications
  • Beyond 3D Printing, like 4D Printing, AR/VR, Digital Twin and more
  • Bioelectronics, the next wave of device therapeutics

Speakers from internationally renowned organisations / institutes / companies will give you an update on 3D printing (and beyond) in healthcare. The following speakers have confirmed their participation:

  • Bas Overvelde, Associate Professor, Soft Robotic Matter Group, AMOLF / Eindhoven University of Technology
  • Miguel Castilho, Assistant Professor, Eindhoven University of Technology
  • Rachelle Groot, Lake3D
  • Ineke Wijnheijmer, Lake 3D
  • Chris Arts, Associate Professor Translational biomaterials research, Maastricht University Medical Centre

If you are interested in presenting at the 3D Medical Conference on any of the above topics, please contact the organisers.

The event programme and full details can be found here.




De Run 1115, 5503 LB Veldhoven