byteMAL – Bioinformatics for Young international researchers Expo

  • 17. Juni 2016
    10:00 - 17:00


byteMAL – Bioinformatics for Young international researchers Expo – is a conference series that is directed especially at young researchers in the fields of bioinformatics and computational biology and aims to provide a new networking platform for the exchange of knowledge and expertise across borders.

The keynote presentations will be given by Prof. Dr. Ben MacArthur from University of Southampton, Prof. Dr. Ines Thiele from University of Luxembourg and Prof. Dr. Olaf Wolkenhauer from University of Rostock. Furthermore, participants will have the chance to present their projects during the poster session or their newly developed tools during the application showcase session. (s. program)

The conference is free of charge, but participants are required to registration until 20th May 2016.



Kármánstraße 17–19, 52062 Aachen